Why doesn’t Gradle include transitive dependencies in compile / runtime classpath?

I know that this specific version of the question has already been solved, but my searching brought me here and I hope I can save some people the hassle of figuring this out. Bad foo/build.gradle dependencies { implementation ‘com.example:widget:1.0.0’ } Good foo/build.gradle dependencies { api ‘com.example:widget:1.0.0’ } bar/build.gradle dependencies { implementation project(path: ‘:foo’) } implementation … Read more

Looking for real world Gradle examples [closed]

Most of the projects in my GitHub repository are built with Gradle. You should find plenty of examples there. Three bigger example code bases that use Gradle are Griffon, Gaelyk and of course Gradle itself. Also a search for build.gradle on GitHub will find you a lot of other repositories.

Is the use of ‘aggregate’ following by ‘dependsOn’ redundant with the same modules?

tl;dr aggregate causes the tasks to be executed in the aggregating module and all aggregated one while dependsOn sets a CLASSPATH dependency so the libraries are visible to the aggregateing module (depending on the configuration that’s compile aka default in the example). A sample to demonstrate the differences. I’m using the following build.sbt (nothing really … Read more

Recursive CMake search for header and source files

You’re probably missing one or more include_directories calls. Adding headers to the list of files in the add_executable call doesn’t actually add then to the compiler’s search path – it’s a convenience feature whereby they are only added to the project’s folder structure in IDEs. So, in your root, say you have /my_lib/foo.h, and you … Read more

Xcode 4 terms “Build for testing / Build for running / build for profiling / build for archiving”

Running is for running your app (on the Mac for Mac OS X, in the simulator or on the device for iOS). Profiling is for running your app with Instruments (for finding memory leaks, bottlenecks etc.). Testing is for running unit tests. Archiving is building a distributable package of you app (incl. Ad-hoc iPhone distributions … Read more
