How to login in Auth0 in an E2E test with Cypress?

This is not currently supported in Cypress. I built a workaround that might help, though. I set up a simple server that runs in parallel to cypress. The endpoint opens a headless instance of Puppeteer and completes the login flow, responding to the call with all the cookies: const micro = require(“micro”); const puppeteer = … Read more

Nuxt 3 JWT authentication using $fetch and Pinia

i’m gonna share everything, even the parts you marked as done, for completeness sake. Firstly, you will need something to generate a JWT in the backend, you can do that plainly without any packages, but i would recommend this package for that. Also i’ll use objection.js for querying the database, should be easy to understand … Read more

Update/change roles claim (or any other claim) in JWT

Refresh tokens don’t seem to be the solution if you care about the changes you make being instant, you probably don’t want an user to access moderation tools for some time if you revoke his permissions. What you could do is keep a version number in the jwt token relative to the user, much like … Read more

Using OAuth for server-to-server authentication?

There are actually two OAuth specifications, the 3-legged version and the 2-legged version. The 3-legged version is the one that gets most of the attention. The 2-legged version does exactly what you want initially, it allows an application to grant access to another via either a shared secret key (very similar to Amazon’s Web Service … Read more

What should be the valid characters in usernames? [closed]

A well-designed system doesn’t necessarily need to prevent any special characters in usernames. That said, the reason underscores have traditionally been accepted, is that underscore is typically treated as a “word” character, along with letters and numbers. It is usually the only other character given this distinction. This is true in regular expressions, and even … Read more

How can I access OAuth’s state parameter using Passport.js?

The reason this doesn’t work is because you’re passing state as an object instead of a string. Seems like passport doesn’t stringify that value for you. If you want to pass an object through the state param, you could do something like this: passport.authenticate(“google”, { scope: [ ‘’, ‘’ ], state: base64url(JSON.stringify(blah: ‘test’)) })(request, response); … Read more
