C++11: I can go from multiple args to tuple, but can I go from tuple to multiple args? [duplicate]

Try something like this:

// implementation details, users never invoke these directly
namespace detail
    template <typename F, typename Tuple, bool Done, int Total, int... N>
    struct call_impl
        static void call(F f, Tuple && t)
            call_impl<F, Tuple, Total == 1 + sizeof...(N), Total, N..., sizeof...(N)>::call(f, std::forward<Tuple>(t));

    template <typename F, typename Tuple, int Total, int... N>
    struct call_impl<F, Tuple, true, Total, N...>
        static void call(F f, Tuple && t)

// user invokes this
template <typename F, typename Tuple>
void call(F f, Tuple && t)
    typedef typename std::decay<Tuple>::type ttype;
    detail::call_impl<F, Tuple, 0 == std::tuple_size<ttype>::value, std::tuple_size<ttype>::value>::call(f, std::forward<Tuple>(t));


#include <cstdio>
int main()
    auto t = std::make_tuple("%d, %d, %d\n", 1,2,3);
    call(std::printf, t);

With some extra magic and using std::result_of, you can probably also make the entire thing return the correct return value.

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