Bookmarks in Eclipse, set and go using hotkeys, do they exist?

Yes. You need to set a shortcut key for Add Bookmark. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys and enter the text filter “bookmark”. Add bookmark will be listed, select it. Now bind a new shortcut in Binding. Make sure that there are no conflicts.


It may be also a good idea to assign a shortcut to “Show View (Bookmarks)” where all your bookmarks are listed. Alternatively this can be enabled via Window > Show view > Other (shortcut Alt+Shift+Q, Q) > and filter to “bookmark”.

From here on, you can set new bookmarks. Eclipse will want you to name your bookmarks.

You can navigate these bookmarks, using “Next Annotation” Ctrl+. and “Previous Annotation” Ctrl+, but you need to enable jumping to bookmarks first via the dropdown of these two in the annotations toolbar:

annot toolbar

image source: tutorial by vogella

So select any of the two dropdown and enable “Bookmarks”:


If you don’t want other annotations such as Errors and Warnings to be included in the navigation, disable them in the toolbar dropdown for next/previous annotation.

The shortcut for Next/Previous Annotation can also be changed in the Preferences. Their category is Navigate, when: In Windows, you can filter to their names: Next and Previous.

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