Blazor, ASP.NET Core Hosted vs Server Side in ASP.NET Core

I think the accepted answer does not answer the question asked like Mike-EEE mentioned in one of the comments.

The necessary information can be found under this link:

The Blazor Full-Stack template encompasses the same project structure as the Client-Side template with a few additions. Just like the Client-Side template there is no HTML rendered by the server and all files are delivered to the client as static files including .NET binaries. The difference however is added ASP.NET Core hosting and Web API and a Shared project for common application logic.

The template includes three projects: a Client-Side Blazor application Blazor.Client, an ASP.NET Core server application Blazor.Server, and a shared .NET Standard project for common application logic Blazor.Shared.

The Blazor Server-Side project template takes a significantly different approach to how a Blazor application is delivered and interacts with the browser. When using the server-side configuration Blazor utilizes the browser as a “thin-client” by deploying a SignalR JavaScript application to the client. On the server, Blazor implements a SignalR hub communicating with the client via web sockets. In the server-side hosting model, Blazor is executed on the server from within an ASP.NET Core app. UI updates, event handling, and JavaScript calls are handled over the SignalR connection. In this configuration there is no need for WebAssembly and Blazor is executed on the ASP.NET Core runtime at the server. All UI updates are sent as diffs, bidirectionally as binary packets over web sockets. To the user, the application is indistinguishable from any other web application.

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