ASP.NET MVC: How to display success confirmation message after server-side processing

I Would use TempData["key"]

This is like ViewData["key"] however the data persists for the next HttpRequest and is disposed automatically by after this

So you can do this.

Controller Action

public ActionResult SomePostAction(SomeViewModel vm)
   if(ModelState.IsValid) // Is User Input Valid?
           TempData["UserMessage"] = new MessageVM() { CssClassName = "alert-sucess", Title = "Success!", Message = "Operation Done." };
           return RedirectToAction("Success");
       catch(Exception e)
           TempData["UserMessage"] =  new MessageVM() { CssClassName = "alert-error", Title = "Error!", Message = "Operation Failed." };
           return RedirectToAction("Error");


   return View(vm); // Return View Model with model state errors


<!DOCTYPE html>

      @if(TempData["UserMessage"] != null)
          var message = (MessageVM)TempData["UserMessage"];
          <div class="alert @message.CssClassName">

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