Are function attributes inherited?

I sent an email to the C++ committee, specifically the Core working group, and provided the above example.


It is currently unclear from the standard if attributes applied to virtual functions are inherited.


They are not. For them to be inherited, the Standard would have to explicitly say so, and it does not.


[After providing above code example] In the above example, I would expect both lines calling foo() to emit a compiler warning. I would hope that the attribute applies to all derived functions for consistency.


That’s one perspective. Another is that, especially with covariant return types where the derived function returns a different type from that of the base function, it might very well be useful to make the base return type [[nodiscard]] but not the derived return type. There’s currently no way to mark the derived function as not-[[nodiscard]].

More generally, it seems reasonable to get a different set of attributes when calling a derived function from those you get when calling the base function. If you know you have a derived class object, you have more specific information and behavior than if all you know is that it’s a base class object, and attributes on member functions are part of that extra knowledge.

Reponses by Mike Miller of the C++ Core Working Group (3/30/2018).

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