Angular Material: How to close all mat-dialogs and sweet-alerts on logout

This is what i have done to close any open mat-dialog throughout the application:

import {MatDialog} from '@angular/material';

export class myClass {

constructor(private dialogRef: MatDialog) {



If you would like to close only a specific dialog you can loop through dialogRef.openDialogs and close the respective dialog using close()

This is how you can close any open/active sweet alert dialog:

const sweetAlertCancel = document.querySelector('.swal2-cancel') as HTMLElement;

if (sweetAlertCancel) {; //only if cancel button exists

const sweetAlertConfirm = document.querySelector('.swal2-confirm') as HTMLElement;

if (sweetAlertConfirm) {; //if cancel doesn't exist , confirm is the equivalent for Ok button

Unlike material-dialog there is no method available to close or hide all open sweet alert dialog’s. This is what i’m able to do so far.

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