Activate Maven profile if another profile is not activated

Profile x will be the the only active profile when you call mvn ... -P x. Reason from the maven documentation:

  Profiles can be explicitly specified using the -P CLI option.
  This option takes an argument that is a comma-delimited list of profile-ids to
use. When this option is specified, no profiles other than those specified in
the option argument will be activated.

Here’s a workaround:


The commands:

mvn ...                        // default
mvn ... -Dspecific             // specific Profile         (no default!)
mvn ... -Dx                    // default + x
mvn ... -Dx -Dy                // default + x + y
mvn ... -Dx -Dspecific         // x + specific Profile     (no default!)
mvn ... -Dx -Dspecific -Dy     // x + specific Profile + y (no default!)

Execute mvn ... help:active-profiles to get the list of the ids of active profiles.

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