Accessing object property as string and setting its value

First of all, you should avoid using this; C# is a strongly-typed language, so take advantage of the type safety and performance advantages that accompany that aspect.

If you have a legitimate reason to get and set the value of a property dynamically (in other words, when the type and/or property name is not able to be defined in the code), then you’ll have to use reflection.

The most inline-looking way would be this:

object value = typeof(YourType).GetProperty("PropertyName").GetValue(yourInstance);
typeof(YourType).GetProperty("PropertyName").SetValue(yourInstance, "value");

However, you can cache the PropertyInfo object to make it more readable:

System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop = typeof(YourType).GetProperty("PropertyName");

object value = prop.GetValue(yourInstance);
prop.SetValue(yourInstance, "value");

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