Python: json.loads chokes on escapes [duplicate]

The correct json is:

r'{"FileExists": true, "Version": "", "Path": "\\\\host\\dir\\file.exe"}'

Note the letter r if you omit it you need to escape \ for Python too.

>>> import json
>>> d = json.loads(s)
>>> d.keys()
[u'FileExists', u'Path', u'Version']
>>> d.values()
[True, u'\\\\host\\dir\\file.exe', u'']

Note the difference:

>>> repr(d[u'Path'])
>>> str(d[u'Path'])
>>> print d[u'Path']

Python REPL prints by default the repr(obj) for an object obj:

>>> class A:
...   __str__ = lambda self: "str"
...   __repr__  = lambda self: "repr"
>>> A()
>>> print A()

Therefore your original s string is not properly escaped for JSON. It contains unescaped '\d' and '\f'. print s must show '\\d' otherwise it is not correct JSON.

NOTE: JSON string is a collection of zero or more Unicode characters, wrapped in double quotes, using backslash escapes ( I’ve skipped encoding issues (namely, transformation from byte strings to unicode and vice versa) in the above examples.

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