“Works on my machine” – How to fix non-reproducible bugs?

One of the attributes of good debuggers, I think is that they always have a lot of weapons in their toolkit. They never seem to get “stuck” for too long and there is always something else for them to try. Some of the things I’ve been known to do:

  1. ask for memory dumps
  2. install a remote debugger on a client machine
  3. add tracing code to builds
  4. add logging code for debugging purposes
  5. add performance counters
  6. add configuration parameters to various bits of suspicious code so I can turn on and off features
  7. rewrite and refactor suspicious code
  8. try to replicate the issue locally on a different OS or machine
  9. use debugging tools such as application verifier
  10. use 3rd party load generation tools
  11. write simulation tools in-house for load generation when the above failed
  12. use tools like Glowcode to analyse memory leaks and performance issues
  13. reinstall the client machine from scratch
  14. get registry dumps and apply them locally
  15. use registry and file watcher tools

Eventually, I find the bug just gives up out of some kind of awe at my persistence. Or the client realises that it’s probably a machine or client side install or configuration issue.

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