Why does $.getJSON silently fail?

you can use

        function name() {
            $.getJSON("", function(d) {
            }).done(function(d) {
            }).fail(function(d) {
            }).always(function(d) {

If you want to see the cause of the error, use the full version

function name() {
    $.getJSON("", function(d) {
    }).fail( function(d, textStatus, error) {
        console.error("getJSON failed, status: " + textStatus + ", error: "+error)

If your JSON is not well-formed, you will see something like

getJSON failed, status: parsererror, error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unrecognized token "https://stackoverflow.com/"

If the URL is wrong, you will see something like

getJSON failed, status: error, error: Not Found

If you are trying to get JSON from another domain, violating the Same-origin policy, this approach returns an empty message. Note that you can work around the Same-origin policy by using JSONP (which has it’s limitations) or the preferred method of Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

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