When to use a type class, when to use a type

Consider a situation where both the type and class exist in the same program. The type can be an instance of the class, but that’s rather trivial. More interesting is that you can write a function fromProblemClass :: (CProblem p s a) => p s a -> TProblem s a.

The refactoring you performed is roughly equivalent to manually inlining fromProblemClass everywhere you construct something used as a CProblem instance, and making every function that accepts a CProblem instance instead accept TProblem.

Since the only interesting parts of this refactoring are the definition of TProblem and the implementation of fromProblemClass, if you can write a similar type and function for any other class, you can likewise refactor it to eliminate the class entirely.

When does this work?

Think about the implementation of fromProblemClass. You’ll essentially be partially applying each function of the class to a value of the instance type, and in the process eliminating any reference to the p parameter (which is what the type replaces).

Any situation where refactoring away a type class is straightforward is going to follow a similar pattern.

When is this counterproductive?

Imagine a simplified version of Show, with only the show function defined. This permits the same refactoring, applying show and replacing each instance with… a String. Clearly we’ve lost something here–namely, the ability to work with the original types and convert them to a String at various points. The value of Show is that it’s defined on a wide variety of unrelated types.

As a rule of thumb, if there are many different functions specific to the types which are instances of the class, and these are often used in the same code as the class functions, delaying the conversion is useful. If there’s a sharp dividing line between code that treats the types individually and code that uses the class, conversion functions might be more appropriate with a type class being a minor syntactic convenience. If the types are used almost exclusively through the class functions, the type class is probably completely superfluous.

When is this impossible?

Incidentally, the refactoring here is similar to the difference between a class and interface in OO languages; similarly, the type classes where this refactoring is impossible are those which can’t be expressed directly at all in many OO languages.

More to the point, some examples of things you can’t translate easily, if at all, in this manner:

  • The class’s type parameter appearing only in covariant position, such as the result type of a function or as a non-function value. Notable offenders here are mempty for Monoid and return for Monad.

  • The class’s type parameter appearing more than once in a function’s type may not make this truly impossible but it complicates matters quite severely. Notable offenders here include Eq, Ord, and basically every numeric class.

  • Non-trivial use of higher kinds, the specifics of which I’m not sure how to pin down, but (>>=) for Monad is a notable offender here. On the other hand, the p parameter in your class is not an issue.

  • Non-trivial use of multi-parameter type classes, which I’m also uncertain how to pin down and gets horrendously complicated in practice anyway, being comparable to multiple dispatch in OO languages. Again, your class doesn’t have an issue here.

Note that, given the above, this refactoring is not even possible for many of the standard type classes, and would be counterproductive for the few exceptions. This is not a coincidence. :]

What do you give up by applying this refactoring?

You give up the ability to distinguish between the original types. This sounds obvious, but it’s potentially significant–if there are any situations where you really need to control which of the original class instance types was used, applying this refactoring loses some degree of type safety, which you can only recover by jumping through the same sort of hoops used elsewhere to ensure invariants at run-time.

Conversely, if there are situations where you really need to make the various instance types interchangeable–the convoluted wrapping you mentioned being a classic symptom of this–you gain a great deal by throwing away the original types. This is most often the case where you don’t actually care much about the original data itself, but rather about how it lets you operate on other data; thus using records of functions directly is more natural than an extra layer of indirection.

As noted above, this relates closely to OOP and the type of problems it’s best suited to, as well as representing the “other side” of the Expression Problem from what’s typical in ML-style languages.

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