What is the point of putting npm’s “package-lock.json” under version control?

In my experience, it does not make sense to put package-lock.json under version control. It makes managing large merge/rebases a nightmare. However, there are instances where the package-lock can be very useful.

Recently (2017/10/10) moment.js introduced breaking changes in a minor version update. Meaning if one was to ship with no package-lock.json, and had something like this in their package.json:

"moment": "^2.12.0"

Some breaking changes introduced in version 2.19.0 would silently infiltrate your code with almost no trace.

This is why after cutting a branch to serve as a release candidate it is crucial to:

  • remove package-lock.json from .gitignore
  • run npm install to generate a package-lock.json
  • test, qa, deploy with this package-lock

This assures your npm module versions will remain locked down on the same versions that were tested.

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