What are the differences between Chosen and Select2?

As of Select2 3.3.1, below are what’s documented in its README.md

What Does Select2 Support That Chosen Does Not?

  • Working with large datasets: Chosen requires the entire dataset to be loaded as option tags in the DOM, which limits it to working with
    small-ish datasets. Select2 uses a function to find results
    on-the-fly, which allows it to partially load results.
  • Paging of results: Since Select2 works with large datasets and only loads a small amount of matching results at a time it has to support
    paging. Select2 will call the search function when the user scrolls to
    the bottom of currently loaded result set allowing for the ‘infinite
    scrolling’ of results.
  • Custom markup for results: Chosen only supports rendering text results because that is the only markup supported by option tags.
    Select2 provides an extension point which can be used to produce any
    kind of markup to represent results.
  • Ability to add results on the fly: Select2 provides the ability to add results from the search term entered by the user, which allows it
    to be used for tagging.

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