is bound to paste in Windows Terminal by default. As of now, the only thing that’s working is to disable that behaviour in the settings.json
. You can do that by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+,
From version 1.4
"actions": [
// { "command": {"action": "paste", ...}, "keys": "ctrl+v" }, <------ THIS LINE
Pre version 1.4
"keybindings": [
// { "command": "paste", "keys": "ctrl+v" }, <------ THIS LINE
After doing this, you can switch to visual block mode as usual and paste with CTRL+SHIFT+v
I’ve found these issues on the project’s GitHub about this problem:
Info about the keybindings/actions change: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/customize-settings/actions
As of Windows Terminal version 1.4, the keybindings array has been renamed to actions inside the settings.json file. Support for the keybindings array still exists for backward compatibility, however the terminal will not automatically rename keybindings to actions inside your settings.json file.