Vertically rotate text inside an HTML table header cell

If you need to adjust just the width of the cells and they contain only one line of text each you can do this: — set width of an element to it’s line-height.

The problem with CSS3-transforms is that they work like as CSS’ position: relative: their original box stays the same, so rotating, skewing etc. don’t cause the changes in the element’s dimensions. So: there is really no perfect CSS solution, you can use JS to adjust the dimensions, or try to find hackety workarounds. So if you have only links in a table, you can do something like that: — rotating the table itself.

If your case have another content that you don’t want to rotate — update the post, so we could try to find a better solution.

upd: Just found out a solution to the rotated text in tables: using some magic with vertical paddings we could make cells stretch to the content, so look at this almost final example:

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