Using Handlebars with Backbone

Using handlebars.js instead of underscore templating is pretty straightforward. Check out this example:
(scroll to the “Loading a Template” section)

SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function(){
    render: function(){
        // Compile the template using underscore
        var template = _.template( $("#search_template").html(), {} );
        // Load the compiled HTML into the Backbone "el"
        this.el.html( template );

Basically, the convention in backbone is to build your html in a render function. The use of templating engine is left completely up to you (which I like about Backbone). So you’d just change it to:

SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function(){
    render: function(){
        // Compile the template using Handlebars
        var template = Handlebars.compile( $("#search_template").html() );
        // Load the compiled HTML into the Backbone "el"
        this.el.html( template );

Since you’re using require.js, you can make Handlebars a dependency at the top of your module. I’m pretty new to this, but it sounds like the learning to focus on would be Backbone.js patterns and require.js usage.

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