Service workers are basically a proxy between your web application and the internet, so it can intercept calls to the network if so desired.
Scope in this instance refers to the path that the service worker will be able to intercept network calls from. The scope
property can be used explicitly define the scope it will cover. However:
Service workers can only intercept requests originating in the scope of the current directory that the service worker script is located in and its subdirectories. Or as MDN states:
The service worker will only catch requests from clients under the service worker’s scope.
The max scope for a service worker is the location of the worker.
As your service worker is located in /static/mod/practice/
, it’s not allowed to set its scope to /practice/foopage/
. Requests to other hosts, e.g.
, can be intercepted in any case.
The easiest way to ensure that your service worker can intercept all the calls it needs to, would be to place it in the root directory of your web app (/
). You can also override the default restrictions using an http header and manually setting the scope (see Ashraf Sabry’s answer).