Twitter Bootstrap modal pushes html content to the left

For bootstrap 3.x.x.

I have found a solution, that works with 100% CSS and no JavaScript.

The trick is to show the scrollbar for modal over the scrollbar of html content.


html {
  overflow: hidden;
  height: 100%;
body {
  overflow: auto;
  height: 100%;

/* unset bs3 setting */
.modal-open {
 overflow: auto; 

Here is an online example:

I tested it on Windows 7 with:

  • FireFox 27.0
  • Chrome 32.0.1700.107 m
  • IE 11 in Browser Mode 8, 9, 10, Edge (Desktop)
  • IE 11 in Browser Mode 8, 9, 10, Edge (windows phone)

One new little issue I found with IE:

IE has background (=body) scrolling with mouse wheel, if there is nothing more to scroll in the foreground.

Take care with position:fixed!

Because of the nature of this workaround, you need extra care for fixed elements.
For example the padding for “navbar fixed” needs to be set to html and not to body (how it is described in bootstrap doc).

/* only for fixed navbar: 
* extra padding setting not on "body" (like it is described in docs), 
* but on "html" element
* the value used depends on the height of your navbar
html {
  padding-top: 50px;
  padding-bottom: 50px;

Alternative with wrapper

If you do not like setting overflow:hidden on html (some people don’t like this, but it works, is valid and 100% standards compliant), you can wrap the content of body in an extra div. You can use it as before by using this approach.

body, html {
  height: 100%;
.bodywrapper {
  overflow: auto;
  height: 100%;

/* unset bs3 setting */
.modal-open {
 overflow: auto; 

/* extra stetting for fixed navbar, see bs3 doc
body {
  padding-top: 50px;
  padding-bottom: 50px;

Here is an example:


Issues in Bootstrap:

  • #12627
  • #9855

Update 2: FYI

In Bootstrap 3.2.0 they add a workaround to modal.js that tries to handle the issues with Javascript for every invoke of, Modal.prototype.hide() and Modal.prototype.resize(). They add 7 (!) new methods for that. Now about 20% of code from modal.js tries to handle just that issue.

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