“This item cannot be shared. Please select a different item.” WhatsApp iOS share extension failure message

Received a response from WhatsApp team

– WhatsApp Support –


Sorry for the delay! We have received many emails recently, and we do
our best to answer them all. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you for informing us about the issue; it will be fixed in a
future version of WhatsApp. Unfortunately, we cannot comment on any
future timelines, sorry. Thank you for your continued patience and
support of WhatsApp.

Cheers, Hans

So, they acknowledge the bug and will fix this in the next release.

Possible Workarounds =>

  • Till then one can use UrlSchemes to share plaintext+url. Follow
    Spydy’s answer.

  • One can create subclass of UIActivity with
    activityCategory as UIActivityCategoryShare with whatsapp icon. Then
    when user selects it, will use urlschemes to share text. For this use JBWhatsAppActivity

  • Just share NSUrl object for sharing url. Once the fix is done you can revert to sharing plain text and url.

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