Taming the automatic telephone number thing in the windows 10 edge browser

Apparently phone number detection was introduced in Internet Explorer 11, but not on desktops.

Here are ways to control it, taken from this MS article: Phone number format recognition

  • To disable the behavior for an element (and its child elements), set the x-ms-format-detection attribute to “none”.
  • To disable the behavior for a webpage, use the meta element:

<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/>

  • To enable the behavior for an element (and its child elements), set the x-ms-format-detection attribute to “phone” or “all”.

  • To selectively control the behavior using JavaScript, use setAttribute to change the value of the x-ms-format-detection attribute of the associate element or its parent. (Note that this needs to be done before the element or the parent is rendered in the DOM; dynamic changes are not supported.)

If I understand the article correctly, if phone detection is disabled at the browser level, the x-ms-format-detection attribute (or the meta tag) will be ignored.

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