What are the rules about concurrently accessing a persistent database

Something worth noting is that SQLite has issues with locking when stored on NFS-like volumes (vboxsf, NFS, SMB, mvfs, etc.) on many systems which cause SQLite to give that error even before you’ve successfully opened the database. These volumes may implement fcntl() read/write locks incorrectly. ( http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q5 ) Assuming that’s not the issue, it’s also … Read more

Yesod: Getting a database entity by ID from an Int

Even if the answer can already be found in the comments, I would like to give a complete example. Assuming we have a Person Model, the following function returns a record for the persion with the given ID (if it exists): import Database.Persist.Types (PersistValue(PersistInt64)) getByIntId :: Integral i => i -> Handler (Maybe Person) getByIntId … Read more

How can I get esqueleto to generate an SQL string for me?

In the time since this question was posted, esqueleto has gone through a number of major revisions. As of version 2.1.2, and several earlier versions, the QueryType a parameter that necessitated your unsafeCoerce has been removed from toRawSql; that major wart is no longer necessary. As currently implemented, a Connection is required. I believe that, … Read more

Exceptions in Yesod

Philosophically speaking, in the Haskell/Yesod world you want to pass the values forward, rather than return them backwards. So instead of having the handlers return a value, have them call forwards to the next step in the process, which may be to generate an exception. Remember that you can bundle any amount of future actions … Read more

Comparing Haskell’s Snap and Yesod web frameworks

Full disclosure: I’m one of the lead developers of Snap. First of all, let’s talk about what Snap is. Right now the Snap team maintains five different projects on hackage: snap-core, snap-server, heist, snap, and xmlhtml. snap-server is a web server that exposes the API defined by snap-core. heist is a templating system. xmlhtml is … Read more

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