Yeoman: Call Sub-Generator With User-Supplied Arguments

Let’s consider you have a generator generator-blog (BlogGenerator) with two sub generators (blog-server and blog-client): app\index.js client\index.js server\index.js So when you run yo blog you what to ask the user for some options and run (optionally) sub generators, right? To run a subgenerator you need to call this.invoke(“generator_namespace”, {options: {}}). The second argument we passed … Read more

npm install without symlinks option not working

The NPM docs about parameter “–no-bin-links” say: will prevent npm from creating symlinks for any binaries the package might contain. Which will just cause NPM to not create links in the node_modules/.bin folder. I also searched for a way to prevent NPM from creating symlinks when using npm install ../myPackage, but can’t find any solution… … Read more

Available yeoman generator for Angular 2 [closed]

The Official tool for scaffolding Angular2 project is Angular-Cli There are few generators for Angular2 Please try them and post some feedback or issues in the github ( ( ( Generator for creating Angular2 library or plugin Angular2 Fullstack generator Ionic2 generator (Gulp; comes in ES6 and … Read more