What is the right xdt:Locator parameter to transform this node?

Ok. I feel a little silly but the solution is that I didn’t need to specify a xdt:Locator. If I just leave the App.Release.Config like this it will replace matching entry. <parameter value=”data source=dbserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=someDb;MultipleActiveResultSets=true” xdt:Transform=”Replace”/> </parameters>

SlowCheetah not transforming file on build

For me I found the issue was that the slow cheetah property group in the config file was below the section where it checked if it existed. So the fix was simply to move the property group above that line somewhere which would allow the transform to run as expected. Put this: <PropertyGroup Label=”SlowCheetah”> <SlowCheetahToolsPath>$([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath( … Read more