Can you add a UITableViewController’s TableView to another View?

You’re on the right track! Here’s what you need to do: Create a standard UIViewController subclass with its accompanying view xib. Add a UITableView in the XIB. Wire everything up. The view controller will be the delegate and the datasource for your table, so you must implement both protocols. In your implementation file, add all … Read more

Rounded corners in a UITableView (iOS7)

Your UITableview contains UIView, so just use this below lines of code for making it rounded corners. Also write this below line of code inside your tableview methods //If iOS version < 10 For Objective-C: cell.contentView.layer.cornerRadius = 5; cell.contentView.layer.masksToBounds = YES; For Swift: cell.contentView.layer.cornerRadius = 5 cell.contentView.layer.masksToBounds = true //If iOS version >= 10 For … Read more
