How can deploy signed APK when click Run in Android Studio?

Add these values to your .gradle: signingConfigs{ debug{ keyAlias ‘your key alias’ keyPassword ‘your keypassword’ storeFile file(‘keystore path’) storePassword ‘your storepassword’ } } buildTypes { debug{ signingConfig signingConfigs.debug } } The keystore path in the file will be something like E:/xxx/xxx/xx.keystore.

keystore not found for signing config ‘release’.– React native

The problem in this case is the path. As you have already mentioned above, enter the key in the app folder. Then in your .properties, don’t name the whole path, because you are already in your project / app .. you just have to enter the name of the key: storePassword=my_password keyPassword=my_password keyAlias=key storeFile=key.jks

Getting error says – “Entry name ‘res/layout/test_toolbar.xml’ collided” while creating signed apk

Before reading the solution below, please read my update from 01.04.2020, the problem is deeper and it is in your code. I’ve got the same problem after this 3.6 update. The fast solution is: delete projectFolder\build delete projectFolder\debug* delete projectFolder\release* delete projectFolder\app\build delete projectFolder\app\build\debug* delete projectFolder\app\build\release* So you need to delete all of the builds, … Read more
