What rules are applied to SHFB’s IntelliSenseComponent’s output folder?

My experiments showed that SHFB’s IntelliSenseComponent did treat {@OutputFolder} correctly, but there’s a nuance. If the folder attribute specified in <output includeNamespaces=”false” namespacesFile=”Namespaces” folder=”…” /> points to a folder inside a project’s OutputPath folder (.\docs\api in your case) then SHFB’s build process creates the folder, but then deletes it before generating website contents: Last step … Read more

How can I find out what’s causing differences in generated Sandcastle docs?

A couple of ideas considering your recent edits, although I agree it is a bit shooting in the dark… I would use a tool like “Beyond Compare” to compare the .Net Framework files and XML files on both machines (“folder compare” profile). Favour the binary level comparison to be perfectly sure… if both of your … Read more
