javascript Rich Text Editors [closed]

After more research I found the following. The functionality for building a rich-text-editor is already implemented at the browser. IE was the first to create such an API and Firefox replicated it. Overview The main point is that the javascript object “document” has a property called designMode which can be set to “on”. This converts … Read more

Rails 3 and Rich text editor [closed]

Most rich text editors for the web use JavaScript. These are some popular ones you could consider jwysiwig markitup Redactor (This is great jQuery based wysiwyg editor that also has a Rails extension I’ve linked to below.) Bootstrap-wysihtml5 (If you’re looking for a Twitter Bootstrap style editor) Of course, you could also consider heavy-weight alternatives … Read more

Any WYSIWYG rich text editor that doesn’t use HTML (contenteditable or designMode), a la (the new) Google Docs? [closed]

You could start with the Ace editor (formerly Bespin and Skywriter). It’s aimed at code editing, so it’s missing formatting and other features, but you may find a useful core of functionality to base a rich text editor on. In action: Code: Update: As @theazureshadow points out, the current editor doesn’t use canvas … Read more