How to prevent an ASP.NET application restarting when the web.config is modified?

Actually, the first two answers are incorrect. It is possible, and quite easy, to prevent this recycling from happening, and this feature has been available since at least IIS6. Method 1 (system wide) Change the DWORD registry setting for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ASP.NET\FCNMode to the value 1, which will disable all file change notifications. Don’t be confused by … Read more

How to check app pool last recycled

You could easily find the latest recycle time by using this powershell snippet: (Get-Process -Id <ProcessId>).StartTime Therefore find the process id of your web application in task manager. First add the following columns via Tools > Select columns… : select PID and Command Line. Look for any w3wp.exe process and find your application by examining … Read more

RecyclerView does not Recycling Views when use it inside NestedScrollView

This is because we have a recycler view which has scroll behaviour inside a scroll view. (scroll inside a scroll) I think the best way to resolve this issue is to your profileCardview as a header in your recycler view and then remove the nested scroll view. If it were a listview then it was … Read more

Linux PID recycling [closed]

As new processes fork in, PIDs will increase to a system-dependent limit and then wrap around. The kernel will not reuse a PID before this wrap-around happens. The limit (maximum number of pids) is /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max. The manual says: /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max (since Linux 2.5.34) This file specifies the value at which PIDs wrap around (i.e., the value … Read more
