Node.js hashing of passwords

I use the follwing code to salt and hash passwords. var bcrypt = require(‘bcrypt’); exports.cryptPassword = function(password, callback) { bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) { if (err) return callback(err); bcrypt.hash(password, salt, function(err, hash) { return callback(err, hash); }); }); }; exports.comparePassword = function(plainPass, hashword, callback) {, hashword, function(err, isPasswordMatch) { return err == null ? callback(null, … Read more

What is currently the most secure one-way encryption algorithm?

Warning: Since this post was written in 2010, GPUs have been widely deployed to brute-force password hashes. Moderately-priced GPUs can run ten billion MD5s per second. This means that even a completely-random 8-character alphanumeric password (62 possible characters) can be brute forced in 6 hours. SHA-1 is only slightly slower, it’d take one day. Your … Read more

How to use PHP’s password_hash to hash and verify passwords

Using password_hash is the recommended way to store passwords. Don’t separate them to DB and files. Let’s say we have the following input: $password = $_POST[‘password’]; You first hash the password by doing this: $hashed_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); Then see the output: var_dump($hashed_password); As you can see it’s hashed. (I assume you did those steps). … Read more

How can I store my users’ passwords safely?

The easiest way to get your password storage scheme secure is by using a standard library. Because security tends to be a lot more complicated and with more invisible screw up possibilities than most programmers could tackle alone, using a standard library is almost always easiest and most secure (if not the only) available option. … Read more

Is “double hashing” a password less secure than just hashing it once?

Hashing a password once is insecure No, multiple hashes are not less secure; they are an essential part of secure password use. Iterating the hash increases the time it takes for an attacker to try each password in their list of candidates. You can easily increase the time it takes to attack a password from … Read more