Payload error in jsonwebtoken

It fails at the line const token = jwt.sign(user, config.secret, { With error “Expected “payload” to be a plain object” Your user object is initialized here: User.getUserByUsername(username, (err, user) Which I assume is mongoosejs object, which contains many methods and is not “serializable”. You could handle this by passing a plain object, by either using … Read more

Facebook-passport with JWT

The best solution I found for that problem would be to redirect to the expected page with a cookie which holds the JWT. Using res.json would only send a json response and would not redirect. That’s why the other suggested answer here would not solve the problem I encountered. So my solution would be: app.get(‘/auth/facebook/callback’, … Read more

TypeError: req.session.regenerate is not a function using Passport

Am doing the same course, fix is there on udemy. From Udemy : Passport v.0.6.0 is currently broken due to an incompatibility: The maintainer suggests using the latest v0.5.0 until a fix is pushed out. Use: npm uninstall passport npm install [email protected] this worked fine for me.

How can I access OAuth’s state parameter using Passport.js?

The reason this doesn’t work is because you’re passing state as an object instead of a string. Seems like passport doesn’t stringify that value for you. If you want to pass an object through the state param, you could do something like this: passport.authenticate(“google”, { scope: [ ‘’, ‘’ ], state: base64url(JSON.stringify(blah: ‘test’)) })(request, response); … Read more

Verify access/group in Passport.js

You could create a simple middleware that checks the group: var needsGroup = function(group) { return function(req, res, next) { if (req.user && === group) next(); else res.send(401, ‘Unauthorized’); }; }; app.get(‘/api/users’, passport.authenticate(‘local’), needsGroup(‘admin’), function(req, res) { … }); This assumes that the object stored in req.user has a property group. This object is … Read more

Sails.js + Passport.js authentication through websockets

Alternatively, you can hijack the ‘router:request’ event to plug in passport for socket requests. I do this in ‘config/bootstrap.js’: module.exports.bootstrap = function (cb) { var passport = require(‘passport’), initialize = passport.initialize(), session = passport.session(), http = require(‘http’), methods = [‘login’, ‘logIn’, ‘logout’, ‘logOut’, ‘isAuthenticated’, ‘isUnauthenticated’]; sails.removeAllListeners(‘router:request’); sails.on(‘router:request’, function(req, res) { initialize(req, res, function () { … Read more

Optional authentication in Nest.js with @nestjs/passport

You can just create your own AuthGuard for example by extending the existing one: export class OptionalJwtAuthGuard extends AuthGuard(‘jwt’) { // Override handleRequest so it never throws an error handleRequest(err, user, info, context) { return user; } } And then use this one on your controllers instead: @UseGuards(OptionalJwtAuthGuard)