SQL JOIN: what is the difference between WHERE clause and ON clause?

They are not the same thing. Consider these queries: SELECT * FROM Orders LEFT JOIN OrderLines ON OrderLines.OrderID=Orders.ID WHERE Orders.ID = 12345 and SELECT * FROM Orders LEFT JOIN OrderLines ON OrderLines.OrderID=Orders.ID AND Orders.ID = 12345 The first will return an order and its lines, if any, for order number 12345. The second will return … Read more

SQL JOIN – WHERE clause vs. ON clause

They are not the same thing. Consider these queries: SELECT * FROM Orders LEFT JOIN OrderLines ON OrderLines.OrderID=Orders.ID WHERE Orders.ID = 12345 and SELECT * FROM Orders LEFT JOIN OrderLines ON OrderLines.OrderID=Orders.ID AND Orders.ID = 12345 The first will return an order and its lines, if any, for order number 12345. The second will return … Read more