Clipboard failure in tmux + vim after upgrading to MacOS Sierra

This seem to be a regression on macOS Sierra. A solution that worked for me has been mentioned by Josh McGinnis brew install reattach-to-user-namespace Ensure the following is set in .tmux.conf: set -g default-shell $SHELL set -g default-command “reattach-to-user-namespace -l ${SHELL}” In .vimrc or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (for Neovim): set clipboard=unnamed Now all is well and … Read more

How do I install Plugins in NeoVim Correctly

Both VIm 8.0 and Neovim have their own built-in package manager. In VIm 8.0, create the following directories: ~/.vim/pack/*/start (where * may be any name e.g. ~/.vim/pack/jimmy/start): Clone your required plugin into the start directory just as you would if you were installing it for Pathogen. You need nothing more and no commands in your … Read more