Graph Databases vs Triple Stores – when to use which?

The main difference between graph databases and triple stores is how they model the graph. In a triple store (or quad store), the data tends to be very atomic. What I mean is that the “nodes” in the graph tend to be primitive data types like string, integer, date, etc. Relationships link primitives together, and … Read more

Return node if relationship is not present

Update 01/10/2013: Came across this in the Neo4j 2.0 reference: Try not to use optional relationships. Above all, don’t use them like this: MATCH a-[r?:LOVES]->() WHERE r IS NULL where you just make sure that they don’t exist. Instead do this like so: MATCH a WHERE NOT (a)-[:LOVES]->() Using cypher for checking if relationship doesn’t … Read more

Neo4J get node by ID

MATCH (s) WHERE ID(s) = 65110 RETURN s The ID function gets you the id of a node or relationship. This is different from any property called id or ID that you create.

Neo4j – Cypher vs Gremlin query language

For general querying, Cypher is enough and is probably faster. The advantage of Gremlin over Cypher is when you get into high level traversing. In Gremlin, you can better define the exact traversal pattern (or your own algorithms) whereas in Cypher the engine tries to find the best traversing solution itself. I personally use Cypher … Read more

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