jquery 1.9.0 and modernizr cannot be minified with the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework

I’m sure that the cause of your problem is the last line of jquery-1.9.0.min.js: //@ sourceMappingURL=jquery.min.map The unminified version of jQuery 1.9 does not contain this. I’ll explain why in a minute. I’ve noticed myself that when jquery-1.9.0.min.js is bundled with another file – and that other file follows jquery-1.9.0.min.js – then the following JS … Read more

Is Modernizr really needed if you’re not using the feature detection?

Generally speaking, Modernizr does three things. It adds classes indicating feature support, allowing you to apply different styling to elements depending on what features they support. It allows you to run feature detection to decide whether to run a script/run a polyfill or not. It injects html5shiv, which allows old browsers to understand HTML5 elements. … Read more

Understanding Modernizr benefits over html5shiv

They do different things. Modernizr detects the availability of features in a page allowing you to provide your own polyfills for older browsers should you require that functionality. You can add support for <canvas> using a canvas tag polyfill so that canvas functionality, including it’s JavaScript interface, in browsers that don’t support the <canvas> tag. … Read more

Is okay to implement Modernizr with Twitter Bootstrap?

Modernizr is a test suite that adds feature detection via classes applied to the body tag. It includes HTML5Shi(v|m) to add older browser compatibility. You don’t need Modernizr just to style new tags in older browsers. That said, it is OK to include Modernizr with Twitter Bootstrap. You can even get an auto-generated H5BP template … Read more

If I’m already using Modernizr, will I then even need HTML5 Shiv?

1) If I’m already using Modernizer then even will I need HTML5 Shiv to enable HTML5 tag supports for IE. You don’t need to separately include html5shiv, because Modernizr includes it: As of Modernizr 1.5, this script is identical to what is used in the popular html5shim/html5shiv library. http://www.modernizr.com/docs/#html5inie 2) and is HTML5 Shiv only … Read more

Click to call html

tl;dr What to do in modern (2018) times? Assume tel: is supported, use it and forget about anything else. The tel: URI scheme RFC5431 (as well as sms: but also feed:, maps:, youtube: and others) is handled by protocol handlers (as mailto: and http: are). They’re unrelated to HTML5 specification (it has been out there … Read more

Modernizr, html5shiv, ie7.js, and CSS3 Pie. Which to use and when?

I’ve got extensive experience with all of these, having used them for a few years each. Modernizr Includes HTML5shiv functionality Also does a lot more – if you don’t use the other features, then don’t use it, it does slow down page loads, but is worth it if you need it! HTML5shiv Very small, just … Read more