Twitter Bootstrap 3 Modal with Scrollable Body

Just add: .modal-content { height:250px; overflow:auto; } The height can of course be adapted to your personal needs. Working Example Update: It’s actually pretty easy. Just add: .modal-body { max-height: calc(100vh – 212px); overflow-y: auto; } to your css. It uses vh and calc, which also happen to have a good browser support (IE9+). This … Read more

Calling Primefaces dialog box from Managed Bean function

You can, by using the RequestContext (or PrimeFaces if you are using the version 6.2 or higher) class. Suppose you have the following: <p:dialog id=”myDialogID” widgetVar=”myDialogVar”> …. </p:dialog> So the way you do in the facelet itself, i.e.;, the same can be done in your managed bean like so: For PrimeFaces <= 3.x RequestContext … Read more

CSS variables not working in dialog::backdrop

Updated answer (29/02/2024) As pointed out by Wes Goulet, this will change (or has changed) and we may have the expected behaviour of the original poster. So, the following probably works on all major browsers: document.querySelector(‘dialog’).showModal(); :root { –color-backdrop: red; } dialog::backdrop { background: var(–color-backdrop); } <dialog> <p>This is a dialog. My backdrop should be … Read more

How to keep focus within modal dialog?

Edit February 1, 2024: The inert attribute is now fully stable and can be used to prevent a user escaping a modal by making everything outside the modal inert. Additionally, you can use the dialog element with the showModal function to handle modal dialog focus automatically. Using showModal will open the dialog element as a … Read more

How to show twitter bootstrap modal via JS request in rails?

I had a similar problem, which I solved with a slight twist My modal div is rendered on the calling page (from a partial) and not by the response of the JS request: <div class=”modal hide fade” id=”modal-window”> <div class=”modal-header”> <a href=”#” class=”close”>×</a> <h3>Loading…</h3> </div> <div class=”modal-body center”> <%= image_tag “loading.gif” %> </div> <div class=”modal-footer”>&nbsp;</div> … Read more

jQuery UI Dialog button positioning

OK, looking at this through Firebug… The Dialog control create a div with a class called ui-dialog-buttonpane, so you can search for that. If you are dealing with multiple buttons, you will probably want :first and :last attributes. So, $(“.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first) should get you the first button. and $(“.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:last) should get you the last … Read more

Can not get a simple bootstrap modal to work

I finally found this solution from “Sven” and solved the problem. what I did was I included “” with: <script src=””/> instead of: <script src=””></script> and it fixed the problem which looked really odd. can anyone explain why?