Laravel Sanctum vs Passport [closed]

Passport provides a full OAuth2 server implementation for your Laravel application in a matter of minutes. It is therefore necessary to have a brief knowledge of OAuth2. Sanctum it is a simple package to issue API tokens to your users without the complication of OAuth. Sanctum uses Laravel’s built-in cookie based session authentication services. In … Read more

Replicating claims as headers is deprecated and will removed from v4.0 – Laravel Passport Problem in lcobucci/jwt package

This issue has forced me to know that laravel/passport uses thephpleague/oauth2-server and thephpleague/oauth2-server uses lcobucci/jwt “3.3.3”. composer require lcobucci/jwt=3.3.3 I wouldn’t have bothered to check this if everything worked fine today after I ran composer update on my app.

oauth-private.key does not exist or is not readable

I think that this is due to Laravel Passport, you should try the following command: php artisan passport:install This command will create the encryption keys needed to generate secure access tokens. In addition, the command will create “personal access” and “password grant” clients which will be used to generate access tokens Source:

Laravel Passport vs JWT vs Oauth2 vs Auth0

What are these concepts? Passport is an official Laravel package that implements Oauth2 and JWT. Auth0 is an authentication and authorization service. It is kinda “all in one” solution for API auth. It implements JWT by default and can implement Oauth2 as well as many other protocols. OAuth2 is an authorization framework or protocol that … Read more

How to logout a user from API using laravel Passport

Make sure that in User model, you have this imported use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens; and you’re using the trait HasApiTokens in the User model class using use HasApiTokens inside the user class. Now you create the log out route and in the controller, do this $user = Auth::user()->token(); $user->revoke(); return ‘logged out’; // modify as per your … Read more

Laravel 5.6 – Passport JWT httponly cookie SPA authentication for self consuming API?

I’ll try to answer this in a generic way so that the answer is applicable across frameworks, implementations and languages because the answers to all the questions can be derived from the general protocol or algorithm specifications. Which OAuth 2.0 grant type should I use? This is the first thing to be decided. When it … Read more