Does JSONP require server modifications?

Yes, JSONP is slightly different when it renders, so your server needs to support it. JSON looks like this: { “name”: “value” } Whereas JSONP looks like this: functionName({ “name”: “value” }); If whatever you’re using supports it you’re covered, but it’s not the same as supporting just JSON. When the server gets a request, … Read more

How to get a JSON response for ItemLookup/Search using Amazon Product Advertising API

Try either of these :: Amazon JSON API – This is a ruby webservice to pass through requests and translate the responses to JSON. Try any of these Javascript functions to convert the XML you already have into JSON : I’ve tried thomasfrank myself. Its easy and works well 🙂

How to make a simple JSONP asynchronous request in Angular 2?

In the latest version of Angular Import HttpClientModule and HttpClientJsonpModule modules in your app module’s definition file import { HttpClientModule, HttpClientJsonpModule } from ‘@angular/common/http’; @NgModule({ declarations: [ //… List of components that you need. ], imports: [ HttpClientModule, HttpClientJsonpModule, //… ], providers: [ //… ], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) Inject http and map rxjs operator into … Read more

What is the difference between AJAX, RESTful/Rest, JSON and JSONP?

Ajax – “Asynchronous Javascript and XML”. Ajax loosely defines a set of technologies to help make web applications present a richer user experience. Data updating and refreshing of the screen is done asynchronously using javascript and xml (or json or just a normal http post). JSON – “Javascript Object Notation”. JSON is like xml in … Read more

JSONP request error handling

If you check jQuery.ajax() documentation, you can find: error A function to be called if the request fails (…) Note: This handler is not called for cross-domain script and cross-domain JSONP requests. This is an Ajax Event. Because of that, you’re forced to find workaround. You can specify timeout to trigger an error callback. It … Read more

AJAX call and clean JSON but Syntax Error: missing ; before statement

JSONP is not JSON. A JSONP response would consist of a JavaScript script containing only a function call (to a pre-defined function) with one argument (which is a JavaScript object literal conforming to JSON syntax). The response you are getting is JSON, not JSONP so your efforts to handle it as JSONP fail. Change dataType: … Read more

How to make cross-domain AJAX calls to Google Maps API?

I can see no advantage in using the Server-side Geocoding Web Service when Google Maps provides a full featured Client-side Geocoding API for JavaScript. First of all, this automatically solves your same-origin problem, and in addition the request limits would be calculated per client IP address instead of of per server IP address, which can … Read more