What changes in a jailbroken kernel?

All the “modern” kernel patches are based on comex’s patches. the main things which are being patched are: security.mac.proc_enforce cs_enforcement_disable (kernel and AMFI) PE_i_can_has_debugger vm_map_enter vm_map_protect … Oh, and there are sandbox patches too. If you wanna read more about all these patches I suggest you take a look at iOS Hacker’s Handbook. Edit: I … Read more

LibStatusBar icon disappears on 3rd-party app launch

It’s been a while since I’ve used libstatusbar, but if you are absolutely sure the LSStatusBarItem is not being released, it’s possible it’s being hidden by Springboard or another app. Consider setting icon.visible = YES explicitly. You also might want to consider setting timeHidden on LSStatusBarServer to NO explicitly by calling [item setHidesTime:NO]. Additionally, if … Read more