Always having to sign into Apple Game Center in simulator in iOS7?
Always having to sign into Apple Game Center in simulator in iOS7?
iPad launch images in Xcode 5 accept just retina or non retina but not both
I struggled with this also, but I’ve found this is solved when you have a non-retina image named image.png and its retina counterpart is named [email protected]. So to fix yours you’ll need to name the first “Default-Portrait-1024~ipad” and the second “Default-Portrait-1024@2x~ipad”. The part preceding the “@2x~ipad” needs to be the same for it to recognize … Read more
Rounded corners in a UITableView (iOS7)
Your UITableview contains UIView, so just use this below lines of code for making it rounded corners. Also write this below line of code inside your tableview methods //If iOS version < 10 For Objective-C: cell.contentView.layer.cornerRadius = 5; cell.contentView.layer.masksToBounds = YES; For Swift: cell.contentView.layer.cornerRadius = 5 cell.contentView.layer.masksToBounds = true //If iOS version >= 10 For … Read more