Instagram/feed API media URL shows ‘URL signature expired’

You could use the media URL with some extra parameters as a solution to get the desired image instead of using the direct image link. For example Notice the addon /media/?size=m Letters could be t, m or l for different picture sizes This should return you the desired image Reference:

Posting video on instagram using hooks

Instagram’s API doesn’t directly support uploading anything from 3rd party applications. Therefore you have to do some ugly user experience compromises when providing the functionality to your users. First, Prepare the video you want to upload to Instagram and store the path to it somewhere Second, Save it to the user’s Camera Roll: if (UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum(filePath)) … Read more

How to open fb and instagram app by tapping on button in Swift

Update for Swift 4 and iOS 10+ OK, there are two easy steps to achieve this in Swift 3: First, you have to modify Info.plist to list instagram and facebook with LSApplicationQueriesSchemes. Simply open Info.plist as a Source Code, and paste this: <key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> <array> <string>instagram</string> <string>fb</string> </array> After that, you can open instagram and facebook … Read more
