How to create a custom media type (application/vnd) for a RESTful web service?

@JohnDoDo One first question: Does the media type define the contract between my server and client? Yes, media type is one part of the contract. Contract in REST API is not static unlike SOAP(i.e. WSDL). Contract is defined by combination of underlying protocol(i.e. HTTP), URIs and Media Types(it’s not prohibited to use several media types … Read more

what is hypermedia , hypermedia controls, hypermedia formats

There’s a lot of confusion about this, because most applications that call themselves REST don’t use hypermedia and aren’t REST at all. Hypermedia is a generalization of hypertext for content other than HTML. You can say hypertext is a subset of hypermedia. Hypermedia can be HTML in a browser, with all links, buttons and everything … Read more