HTML5 Boilerplate plugins.js

That section of the html5boilerplate is sort of an abbreviation of what should/could go there. You can approach plugins.js a few ways: Ignore it and include all of your JS plugins as separate files (undesirable) Manually concatenate and minify the plugin files (this is a pain to maintain) Use a script to concatenate them (and … Read more

What is the use of the hackers.txt file?

The way I see things: robots.txt contains information and instructions for robots (so it should be read/used by web crawlers, spiders and other kind of bots) humans.txt contains useful information to be consumed by humans, according to hackers.txt should be targeted towards hackers, so it should contain any information the site owner might want … Read more

AngularJS in HEAD vs BODY

AngularJS does not need to be placed in the HEAD, and actually you normally shouldn’t, since this would block loading the HTML. However, when you load AngularJS at the bottom of the page, you will need to use ng-cloak or ng-bind to avoid the “flash of uncompiled content”. Note that you only need to use … Read more