Emulate Mifare card with Android 4.4

With host-based card emulation (HCE) in Android 4.4 you can only emulate the ISO/IEC 14443-4 protocol. More specifically you can only emulate application structures according to ISO/IEC 7816-4 (thus card emulation applications need to be selected though an AID). Moreover, the API doesn’t give you any means to specify if card emulation should be done … Read more

Can an Android NFC phone act as an NFC tag?

At this time, I would answer “no” or “with difficulty”, but that could change over time as the android NFC API evolves. There are three modes of NFC interaction: Reader-Writer: The phone reads tags and writes to them. It’s not emulating a card instead an NFC reader/writer device. Hence, you can’t emulate a tag in … Read more