How do you do UUID in Golangs Gorm?

For postgresql, here is what I did: go get Use uuid.UUID (from “”), as type, e.g ID uuid.UUID `gorm:”type:uuid;default:uuid_generate_v4()”` Add uuid-ossp extension for postgres database, e.g CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS “uuid-ossp”; Then, when you call DB’s Create() method, the uuid is generated automatically. Update: pg14+ gen_random_uuid() (as mentioned in Doron Segal‘s comment) pg … Read more

Gorm Golang orm associations

TownID must be specified as the foreign key. The Place struct gets like this: type Place struct { ID int Name string Description string TownID int Town Town } Now there are different approach to handle this. For example: places := []Place{} db.Find(&places) for i, _ := range places { db.Model(places[i]).Related(&places[i].Town) } This will certainly … Read more