Android getting fragment that is in FragmentPagerAdapter
The Fragments supplied by the FragmentPagerAdapter are auto-tagged when they’re instantiated. You can retrieve the tag with this method: private static String makeFragmentName(int viewPagerId, int index) { return “android:switcher:” + viewPagerId + “:” + index; } Reference: reusing fragments in a fragmentpageradapter
FragmentPagerAdapter getItem is not being triggered
Any workaround to overcome this problem? I’ve downloaded your code and the problem appears because you don’t handle those Fragments right. Most precisely you use nested Fragments in the ViewPager based Fragment and for that ViewPager you create the adapter like this: MyFragmentPagerAdapter myFragmentPagerAdapter = new MyFragmentPagerAdapter(this.getFragmentManager()); Instead, you should be using getChildFragmentManager() to bind … Read more
ViewPager + FragmentPagerAdapter inside a DialogFragment gets “IllegalArgumentException:No view found…”
Try this: In class AchGalleryDialog MyFragmentAdapter adapter = new MyFragmentAdapter(getChildFragmentManager(),images); instead of MyFragmentAdapter adapter = new MyFragmentAdapter(getFragmentManager(),images); Because of this: Hope this will help!
IllegalStateException: The application’s PagerAdapter changed the adapter’s content without calling PagerAdapter#notifyDataSetChanged
I had a hard time making my ViewPager working. At the end, it seems that the example in the documentation is wrong. The addTab method should be as follows: public void addTab(Tab tab, Class<?> clss, Bundle args) { TabInfo info = new TabInfo(clss, args); tab.setTag(info); tab.setTabListener(this); mTabs.add(info); notifyDataSetChanged(); mActionBar.addTab(tab); } Notice the order of the … Read more
When is FragmentPagerAdapter’s getItem called?
getItem will be called whenever the adapter needs a fragment and the fragment does not exist. If the fragment already exists in the FragmentManager then there is no need to instantiate it and getItem does not need to be called. To update an existing fragment you would need to retrieve it from the FragmentManager or … Read more
FragmentPagerAdapter notifyDataSetChanged not working
What Nik Myers is saying is correct. However there is a piece missing. When notifyDataSetChanged is called, the method getItemPosition is called. You need to override this to get the fragments to reload. @Override public int getItemPosition(Object object) { // Causes adapter to reload all Fragments when // notifyDataSetChanged is called return POSITION_NONE; }
Navigating back to FragmentPagerAdapter -> fragments are empty
I had the same problem. The solution for me was simple: in onCreateView I had: // Create the adapter that will return a fragment for each of the three // primary sections of the app. mSectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(getActivity() .getSupportFragmentManager()); where SectionPageAdapter is something like this: class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter { … } after changing … Read more
FragmentPagerAdapter deprecated
UPDATE 2021-06-14: At this point, ViewPager itself is all but deprecated. Technically, ViewPager is not deprecated, but the two concrete PagerAdapter implementations — FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter — are deprecated. Ideally, switch to something else, such as ViewPager2 or the pager composable in Accompanist. Replace: class MyViewPagerAdapter(manager: FragmentManager) : FragmentPagerAdapter(manager) with: class MyViewPagerAdapter(manager: FragmentManager) : FragmentPagerAdapter(manager, … Read more
How to get existing fragments when using FragmentPagerAdapter
Summary of the problem Note: In this answer I’m going to reference FragmentPagerAdapter and its source code. But the general solution should also apply to FragmentStatePagerAdapter. If you’re reading this you probably already know that FragmentPagerAdapter/FragmentStatePagerAdapter is meant to create Fragments for your ViewPager, but upon Activity recreation (whether from a device rotation or the … Read more