How can I determine the current config of php-fpm?

If you have access to server, try, depending on php version sudo php-fpm7.0 -tt sudo php-fpm7.x -tt sudo php-fpm7.4 -tt sudo php-fpm8.0 -tt sudo php-fpm8.1 -tt sudo php-fpm8.2 -tt It test the current config file and show config params values (also default ones). The displayed values can differs from current running config if a modification … Read more

How to check if PHP-FPM is running properly?

Assuming you are on Linux, check if php-fpm is running by searching through the process list: ps aux | grep php-fpm If running over IP (as opposed to over Unix socket) then you can also check for the port: netstat -an | grep :9000 Or using nmap: nmap localhost -p 9000 Lastly, I’ve read that … Read more
