Transcoding fMP4 to HLS while writing on iOS using FFmpeg

Strictly speaking you don’t need to transcode the fmp4 if it contains h264+aac, you just need to repackage the sample data as TS. (using ffmpeg -codec copy or gpac) Wrt. alignment (1.2) I suppose this all depends on your encoder settings (frame rate, sample rate and GOP size). It is certainly possible to make sure … Read more

What exactly is Fragmented mp4(fMP4)? How is it different from normal mp4?

A fragmented MP4 contains a series of segments which can be requested individually if your server supports byte-range requests. Boxes aka Atoms All MP4 files use an object oriented format that contains boxes aka atoms. You can view a representation of the boxes in your MP4 using an online tool such as MP4 Parser or … Read more